Tips & Tricks

Keeping the Bugs at Bay

Eco-Friendly Solutions to Bug-Proof Your Home
Keeping the Bugs at Bay

As a long-standing resident of the UK and a self-confessed arachnophobe, the sight of spiders or bugs scuttling across the floor can send me into a flurry of panic. With this fear comes a necessity — the quest to keep my home as bug-free as possible without harming the environment and without the fear that opening my home up to my outdoor living space will result in a stampede of creepy critters.  Here’s a compilation of the most effective, eco-friendly ways to deter bugs from making your home their home too!

Embrace the Power of Peppermint Oil

One of the most delightful, yet potent, natural repellents is peppermint oil. Spiders, ants, and many other pests detest the strong smell. Mix a few drops of peppermint essential oil with water in a spray bottle and mist your windowsills, doorways, and any other potential entry points. Not only does it keep the bugs away, it leaves your house smelling fresh and vibrant!  As a tried and tested method of mine, you will never find my home without peppermint oil.

The Citrus Guard

Another natural solution involves citrus peels. Bugs, particularly spiders, dislike citrus. Rubbing window sills and door frames with lemon or orange peels can act as a deterrent, plus it’s a great way to recycle your citrus waste! For a more lasting solution, consider simmering citrus peels in water and using the cooled liquid as a spray.

Vinegar Spray — A Dual-Purpose Cleaner

Vinegar is not just for salads and pickling — it’s also a fantastic insect repellent. A solution of equal parts water and vinegar can be used to clean surfaces and floors where insects frequent. Not only does it clean and disinfect, but the smell (which dissipates much faster for humans than for insects) will deter many types of bugs.

Cedar Wood: The Natural Repellent for Bugs

Incorporating cedar into your home can be both aesthetically pleasing and functional. Cedar blocks, chips, or even essential oil can repel moths, spiders, and other pests. Place cedar hangers in your wardrobes, use cedar mulch in garden areas, or keep cedar balls in drawers — it’s a lovely smelling solution that bugs seem to universally dislike.

Diatomaceous Earth — Bugs Natural Enemy

For those who haven’t come across it, diatomaceous earth is a naturally occurring, soft, siliceous sedimentary rock that is easily crumbled into a fine white to off-white powder. It’s non-toxic to humans but lethal to insects. Sprinkling diatomaceous earth around the perimeter of your home or across entry points can help kill bugs by dehydrating them.

Seal the Gaps

Prevention is often better than cure. Check your home for any gaps or cracks in walls, floors, and especially around windows and doors. Use caulk to seal these gaps. Weather stripping and door sweeps can also help seal the doors, keeping out drafts and pests.

Ultrasonic Pest Repeller’s

For a high-tech solution, consider ultrasonic pest repellers. These devices emit a high-frequency sound that is intolerable to many insects and rodents but is inaudible to humans and pets. They are a non-toxic, environmentally friendly way to keep pests at bay without the use of chemicals.

Keep It Clean

Finally, the simplest yet often most effective method is to maintain cleanliness. Regularly take out the rubbish, keep floors and surfaces clean, and ensure food is stored in sealed containers. A clean home is far less attractive to pests looking for food and shelter.

Combining these techniques provides a robust defence against unwanted houseguests. Whether you choose natural methods, store-bought solutions, or a bit of both, keeping bugs out of your home doesn’t have to involve harsh chemicals or compromise your eco-friendly values. Here’s to a peaceful, pest-free home!


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